Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stop Section 8 Renters

I am an owner/resident and the current trend in the community to allow section 8 tennents should be addressed! I want to stop any landlords from renting out to tennents that are receiving government subsidized housing. Most associations do not allow this for a reason! I believe we should adopt this view at Georgetown Atlanta!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Having lived here for over 14 years our family has seen many many changes here.

Gone are the Russian families, the Chinese Embassy visitors, and many of the original gays that lived here. [back then 2 embassies owned a few units][there were many Russian family owners][i.e. Hilda]

The passing of original homeowners from the 60's and the moving-out of many single mothers who couldn't or wouldn't tolerate the bias disposed on them daily.

There have been good times and bad times - losing Amy was probably the worst event here, and seeing other's becoming old, ill and dying (Jim, Bob's companion) is not pleasing but natural.

But the most pleasurable times here are when the pool is open, people visit, sit down and converse or just maybe 'hello' or when the Board throws the Halloween or Swim parties.

When we get outside and become what we are 'a community' forgetting our bias' and actually getting to know one another, whether we like each other or not.

Many of those hot summer days as I sit on the far side of the pool reading...I find myself just sitting for long lengths of time observing the kids interact, the adults conversing, and my favorite watching families cook out in the back pool area.

Who needs a television in the summer....sitting alongside the large deep (real) pool with a good book, the sun & shade and my kids enjoying themselves is a PERFECT day and evening.

We are SAFE, We are Home!